Friday, August 12, 2011

Another monthly list...

1) It's official! We've signed the construction agreement on our new home and if all goes well with the inspection on our current home next week, they're going to start building Wednesday!! Woohoo! I am not sure if I mentioned this before, but the contractor is buying our home when the new home is finished... that is why we have to get an inspection on our current home.
2) We have a busy weekend planned. Tomorrow we are going to celebrate the first birthday of a little boy and celebrate the upcoming arrival of a new little girl. I also have 3 cakes to make and really clean up the house for the inspector. The realtor says the inspector is not coming to see how clean our home is, but I don't want him to visit without doing a little straightening up. Okay, so a lot of straightening up.
3) I went to see The Help tonight with my mom and two other ladies. I have not read the book, but the movie was awesome. It is definitely Oscar worthy and I will definitely own a copy! The language is kinda tough but I really think it fits the culture/era of the story. If you go to see it, take your kleenexes!!
4) Jackson is growing into his terrible twos stage... finally. Not that I was looking forward to it, but, he has been extremely whiny and cranky this week and definitely pushing his boundaries. Ahh... parenting.
5) I never knew there were 12,000 different colors of brick. Okay, so maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but not a lot... I am finding that this house is a bit more stressful than I thought and they haven't even broken ground yet! I guess since it is a "custom-built" home, we literally get to pick out every detail down to the color of the brick for the foundation. However, I am really not that picky and honestly Wayne is a lot better about the decorating and stuff so I think I am going to leave a lot of the interior stuff to him. He knows what he wants anyway, I am just going to be there to ensure it doesn't turn into a bonified bachelor pad. :)
6) I am having a few dizzy spells lately. I would think of it as vertigo, but I don't think I have ever had that so I am not sure if that is what it is... I just know every once in a while it feels like the world is spinning around me. Not sure if it is bad enough to go to the doc yet, but I am definitely keeping an eye it.

Okay, I think I am going to hit the sack now. Have a good one!

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