Wednesday, April 27, 2011

We had a poopie party...

... and I was going to take pictures, but I thought I would spare you. You're welcome!

Jackson seems to reach "milestones" in his life only when HE wants to reach them. I mean, really buddy... did you really have to wait until you were EIGHTEEN months old to walk!?! Anyways, I was thinking that potty training would be the same way. (I am still thinking it by the way.)

Over the past 3 days, Jackson has really taken to going pee-pee in his potty. Monday night, I think he went 3 times. Tuesday night, he told me that he had to poopie so we RAN into the bathroom and began playing the waiting game. "Book, Mommy" was his first statement. Goodness child, can you at least do your first poopie without a book?! Apparently not. I gave him one of Wayne's police magazines and he flipped a few pages. The magazine was two times bigger than his lap, but, he managed. He also made sure that he pointed out every ... little ... picture ... in the magazine and said "What's that Mommy?" and when I answered him, he just had to repeat my answer. Like this:

Jackson: What's that Mommy?
Mommy: They are boots, Jackson
Jackson: Boots?
Mommy: Yes, boots
a few seconds later
Jackson: What's that Mommy?
Mommy: a gun
Jackson: A gun?
Mommy: Yes.
a few more seconds pass
Jackson: What's that Mommy?
Mommy: A police man
Jackson: O-leece man?
Mommy: Uh huh.
and another second passes
Jackson: What's that? (pointing to the original boots)
Mommy: Those are boots Jackson. Do you still need to poopie?
Jackson: Yes.
Mommy: (sigh) okay, please try to go.

And with a few grunts, and a few more "What's that, Mommy?"'s, Jackson poopied in the potty!! WOOO HOOO!

Will he do it again in the next few days? Umm... probably not. He refuses to pee-pee in the morning - to the point of screaming and crying when I try to take his PJ pants off. I think he still thinks it is some kind of game. But I know that I am really excited about getting potty training underway! I know it is going to be a long process, but hopefully this milestone will not be slow to reach!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just thinking...

Wayne and I are going through an adventure right now and trying to make decisions about our near future. Opportunities are presenting themselves and we are getting very excited. I don’t think I want to open up about anything yet (and no, we are not expecting) but hopefully I will be able to give more details soon. All of that is for another posting though.

We have been doing a lot of prayer about these opportunities and through a women’s bible study I am participating in, I have been thinking a lot about God speaking to me. Thinking about the different ways that He does speak and also getting answers to our prayers that may not necessarily be what we want. I am really trying not to get my hopes up about anything but it is really hard not to stay on cloud nine.

And then, this morning, I received my daily bible verse on my phone:

“Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” Hebrews 13:5

When I read this, all I could do was stare at “be content with what you have”. I try to tell myself this everyday. I don’t want to get too excited about things moving along in life and forget to ask God what he wants me to do or even worse, IGNORE what he wants for me. But is this how He is speaking to me? Am I trying to ignore it because that isn’t want I want?

This is so hard. I hate the battle of knowing what we want and knowing that He knows best – which may not match what we want. Should I struggle with this? Probably not, but I do. The next step? Getting back on my knees and try to gain a better understanding of what He wants for us.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cancer and a cake...

Cancer is becoming such a dirty word. It really amazes me how often I hear of people getting it, finding out they have stage 4 of some type of cancer, and/or dying of it. It is definitely affecting a lot of people. However, it seems to hit a lot harder when it hits home.

Cancer hasn't hit my actual family, but it hit a co-worker of mine recently. Becci found out she had breast cancer about two months ago. Since that time, she has undergone many tests, surgery, and now chemotherapy. She has definitely been a fighter and I believe she will continue to be. She is often lifted up in my prayers and I know God will see her through this battle.

She will start back to work today and she doesn't want anything to be out of the ordinary (I don't think I would either), but at the request of her direct team-mates, I have made a "Jennifer cake" for her. I sure hope she enjoys!! Thought I would share a picture with you guys.