Anyway, I am sure you are ready to see some pictures! I am ready to post them. Oh, and if you are a FB friend, hope you enjoy a second time around!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Busy, busy, busy
And may I say it again... busy! Not just with life in general but with cakes!! I still don't think I have caught up on my sleep. Last weekend I had 5 cakes to make (that consisted of actually baking 6 cakes because one of the finished products had 2 cakes and the other was made for my family as I had leftover chocolate batter). In addition to those, I had one to make for the Wednesday before and I made one last night. Goodness gracious! Prayers are definitely being answered. Thank you. I will say that it is amazing to see the amount of orders that come through Facebook. My cake album is the only photo album that I have that is "public" and I always "tag" the person I do the cake for to their cake! Their FB friends see the pictures and search me out! Talk about networking!
Anyway, I am sure you are ready to see some pictures! I am ready to post them. Oh, and if you are a FB friend, hope you enjoy a second time around!

My Little Pony -- "Star Star"

Another ladybug cake and another "Alyssa"

My cousin graduated from high school last weekend. Yay!

Umm... this one has a bit of a story behind it. You see, this was the cake that was made with the "extra" chocolate batter. So, I used the extra icing from my cakes that evening (which just happened to be the graduation one) and decorated this cake. Since I was eh hem "re-using" my materials, I decorated the cake with a recycle sign. Genius, right?!? LOL

I have actually made one of these before, but I added the thin blue line to this one (yes, it was my husband's idea ... must give credit where credit is due, right?). My husband's police department had a Family Day last weekend and I was voluntold by my husband that I was to make the cake. It was definitely a big hit and I am glad that I was able to do it. I really like the finished product on this one! (not that I don't like them all!)

This one was for a friend of ours. He turned 32 last weekend and I really wasn't sure what to put on the cake, but he IS a sports fanatic, so I made sure to include his two favorite teams.

And last but not least, this one I did Friday night. It was on a whim. Chandler's mom called me Friday and needed it for Saturday so I had to think quick on my feet. This was also the first time that I used "whipped" icing and it was not what I normally think of whipped icing like on the cakes at Sam's Club. It was more like the consistency of meringue. I don't think I will be able to use this again. Way too soft for cake decorating but luckily it turned out okay for this one.
Anyway, I am sure you are ready to see some pictures! I am ready to post them. Oh, and if you are a FB friend, hope you enjoy a second time around!
Friday, June 10, 2011
There are so many things that happen in life that you just have to sit and ask … “Why?”
Why do people do the things they do?
Why are things happening as they are?
Why doesn’t life always turn out like you plan?
Why are decisions made that can hurt so many or maybe just ones closest to you?
I don’t know why. However, I do know that there is a greater plan. There is someone greater that will help me and you get through the “whys” of life. I pray that you know Him. I pray that I will stay close to Him. I pray that he will help me get through the “whys” daily -- because I need that. I need His help.
“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16
Why do people do the things they do?
Why are things happening as they are?
Why doesn’t life always turn out like you plan?
Why are decisions made that can hurt so many or maybe just ones closest to you?
I don’t know why. However, I do know that there is a greater plan. There is someone greater that will help me and you get through the “whys” of life. I pray that you know Him. I pray that I will stay close to Him. I pray that he will help me get through the “whys” daily -- because I need that. I need His help.
“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Anyway, the gist of this type of posting is just to “list” certain things on my mind. That way there is no specific topic I have to write about. Got it? That was easy, right? Here goes. Week 1...
1) I am really thankful for the small blessings of cake orders I have seemed to receive over the past month. I have four, yes FOUR to make this week!
2) I have been earnestly praying for a phone call that my husband needs to make this week. No details right now, but hopefully soon, I will be able to enlighten you guys. Just pray with me please. The Lord knows the request.
3) Jackson’s potty training is ... well, um... has slowed. I really just got frustrated with making him do something he just plainly didn’t want to do. I just don’t think he is ready. However, we still go when he has the desire to go. I am definitely not going to turn him away from going, if he tells me he wants to go. The problem is, he has usually already gone in his diaper when he tells me he wants to use the potty. We will get there... hopefully it will just happen before he is 5.
4) I am very excited about an upcoming ADULT trip that my husband and I are taking at the end of this month. We have planned a trip to Williamsburg, VA with another couple and the babies are staying home! Wayne and I definitely need some time away. Not necessarily away from Jackson, but just some time away from the daily musings of life. We will be gone for a long weekend and little man will be able to spend the time with all three of his grandmas! He’s so lucky!
5) I have to take my car in the morning to be looked at. For some reason, it seems to idle high or have a slight roaring sound when I turn the wheel, back up into a park, or let my foot off the gas to slow a bit. I have had a couple of people say that it could be my power steering, but I am not really sure what it is. I just want to get it fixed before the warranty runs out. I also don't want to take it and them tell me there is nothing wrong. That is so frustrating. We'll see.
6) I have been reading "The Brotherhood" by Jerry B. Jenkins. He co-authored the Left Behind Series with Tim LaHaye. It is actually a very good read if you are into police stuff. I kind of have to be. :) It is just very frustrating because it has taken me about a week to get through the last 4 chapters because I cannot seem to find the time to get to them, or I fall asleep reading them. Maybe tonight, after this posting.
7) I went to the pool yesterday with a friend of mine and got burnt to a crisp. I hurt. Bad.
8) I saw this verse on a print that can be ordered through an etsy shop this week and it has been on my brain... "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
9) So ready to see Courageous -- in theaters September 30, 2011!
10) I found a new favorite song by Sidewalk Prophets. The bridge of the song is so powerful to me.
11) OK... I think I just heard a THUD in my attic above my kitchen... Yes, I think we have mice up there... and I HOPE THEY ARE NOT MAKING THEIR WAY DOWN!! I hate those things. I am so scared to go up there now. We have GOT to get rid of them though.
Okay. That's enough for now. Going to try and sleep so that I don't hear anymore noises.
la de da
I want so badly to type something thought provoking and heart felt tonight, but the brain is not allowing me to do that... So, here are a couple of cakes I did this week. Please stay posted... I have 4 more to do this week! Crazy week coming up!
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