Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A little bit of worry...

So, tonight, I have a little bit of worry on my heart. I mentioned in a previous posting that my mom would be in Israel for Jackson's birthday party. Well, she left yesterday. This is definitely a once in a lifetime trip. I am so glad that she is able to travel as she does. She absolutely loves it. Many have asked if this is a mission trip and no, not specifically. This is actually a pleasure trip that an evangelist was heading up. There were about 25 people going but she was the only one from this area. She left from our local airport last night around 8 pm and was headed to Atlanta,GA where she was going to meet up with the rest of the group. The flight from Atlanta was going to be non-stop to Tel Aviv.

Usually when she goes away, she gives me a full itinerary including the hotel information. Last night before, I went to bed, I realized that I didn't get either of these things before she left. So, I am not sure if she made it there or not. With the 6 hour time difference it is hard for us to make phone contact as well. I did hear her say that she will probably have Wi-Fi in her hotel, so now I am just waiting on the email, blog posting, or note on Facebook telling everyone that she is okay. Mom, if you are reading this and you attempt to call, please call my cell, I will keep it with me all the time.

Until I hear from her, I will just have to continue to pray for her that she remains safe.

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