Sunday, August 1, 2010

Our Saturday

This morning we traveled to a nearby outlet center. The mission: to purchase a pair of Stride Rite walking shoes for Jackson. As you may have noticed in my last posting, Jackson is still not walking on his own. I honestly think fear plays a large part in the reason why he isn't letting go. However, I want to be able to help him in any way I can.

I have heard several moms say that these shoes are they best thing they could have ever bought... and to be honest, the only reason why I hadn't purchased them yet was because they aren't the most "stylish" shoes. I and Wayne both, just didn't think they were all that cute. This week, though, the daycare ladies were talking about this other little boy that started walking basically the same day he had the shoes on. They told me that he had gained much more stability because the ankles were being supported. So, I made the decision to buy some.

We arrived at the Stride Rite store and they had every single size imaginable... even extra wide. We found out that Jackson needed a 5 extra wide. However, when I actually put those on his feet, they seemed to be too big. So, we ended up with a 4.5 wide. Oh, and much to my surprise, Jackson did not fight me to try the shoes on. It almost seemed as though he was excited to try them on... all four pairs I put on his feet!

After his nap when we got home this afternoon, he pushed everything he could around the house. Did he ever let go? Not yet, but I can definately tell that he enjoys walking in them. We will just have to wait and see how this week goes.

Oh, and you ask, am I worried about his late walking? Um, some days. But most of the time, I am really okay with it. I joke with everyone by telling them that I am not expecting him to walk on his own until he is 2 and I think he is trying to not make me out to be a liar! However, we go to his 18 month doctors appointment on the 13th, so I am going to mention it to his doctor if he still is not walking on his own. Maybe he can offer up some advice on tricks in getting him to let go. We'll see.

We will definitely have a party when he does let go though! That will be such a happy day! :)

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