You've made it to eighteen months. It has definitely been fun watching you grow, learn and explore. I have noticed that you seem to have taken to a lot of my personality traits, but I can also tell when your Daddy's traits shine too. You are certainly a special little guy to the both of us and all of your family and friends around you.
At eighteen months, you still have managed to not let go of our fingers when you walk. However, I am sure that you will gain much more confidence in the near future and will be running in no time. I have peeked a couple of times and watched you take as many as 5 steps. Then, I guess you see me looking and plop back down to the floor. Please know, that I am not, by any means, trying to rush you into this thing we call walking. However, just think of the things you could explore on just two feet! Does that give you a little inspiration? Oh, and by the way, I did see you stand up the pantry this evening and try your hardest to grab those Goldfish that were on the bottom shelf. You little stinker!
I will have to say that you are a very picky eater. I believe this is one of those Daddy traits. Texture seems to be a huge priority in your food sampling. I just don't understand why you can eat mashed potatoes one night and a week later, you spit them out. So, the only conclusion I have come up with as to why you didn't like them, was because of the texture. The first time they were very smooth, as they were bought from a restaurant and the second time I mashed them and they were a little crumbly. Oh, and if it is not Cheerios, Goldfish, chicken nuggets and french fries, or Lunchable snacks, I can just give it up right? Does this frustrate me? Of course it does, but I am praying very hard every night that you "grow" out of this stage! Can this stage end next week? Please?
On another note, I find that you are very tenderhearted and timid as well. These are definitely my traits. Please know that these are not bad traits to have. They just are a small part of what makes you, you. I don't think I will ever forget the first time you tried to console me when I was crying. I was sitting on the living room floor and you crawled into my lap, turned your hands up and in your own little words said, "What's wrong, Mommy?". This happened just a few weeks ago. My heart just melted. You just wanted to make sure that Mommy was okay.
As each and every day passes, I find out something new about you. Whether it is something you have learned or just a new piece of your personality. My mom always told me that I would never know unconditional love until I had my own children and I am so glad I have been able to finally experience it. You are the greatest blessing God could have ever given your daddy and me. I am so excited to continue to watch you daily. To see you change into a cute little toddler and then to watch you grow as your life continues to unfold. Please always remember that I will love you forever.
Love this! It is crazy how fast they grow and change.