Monday, February 25, 2013

Mommy Really Does Know Best

Don't you just hate it when you find out you were wrong? Especially when you pour your whole heart and soul into something and then just to be torn down like a useless piece of paper? Okay, so maybe that is just a bit extreme. However, it is still hard to take in the fact that you are just wrong, sometimes.

Yesterday, we pulled in to the driveway after church and were all in a line going into the house. Jackson was first of course and we were all rambling on about something. It was warmer outside and Wayne had mentioned that he wanted to wash his car and Jackson decided he wanted to ride his tractor. I told him that he couldn't ride until he had a nap. He told me he didn't need a nap and I proceeded to tell him that yes, he did and he was going to take a nap. And then, the argument (yes, I know, arguing with a 4 year old is just plain wrong) begun. As Wayne was getting the door unlocked, Jackson and I were going back and forth about if he was going to have a nap or not. Wayne finally stopped us and told Jackson that he did have to have a nap.

A few minutes went by, we let Bo out and changed clothes. Jackson was doing something in his room. Wayne and I both hit the bathrooms as we normally do after church. By the way, why is that? I can go a whole 8 hours at work without having to go to the bathroom, but for some reason I can't do it on Sundays. I have to go right as we get into the house. Weird. Even weirder conversation for a blog, right? Sorry.

Anyway, I came out of the bathroom to a really quiet house. I am not even sure where Bo was. I thought it was a bit odd as I didn't even hear Jackson playing. I went into his room and found this...
The little guy was just wrong and I for, once was right! He DID need a nap! And his Rescue Bots did too.

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