Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Here we go again...

"For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him: Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord. And he worshipped the Lord there."  1 Samuel 1:27-28
A new chapter in our lives has begun. We found out this past week that we are expecting a new little baby. It was definitely hard to keep this secret in. So, out with the announcement at just under 5 weeks. So many emotions have encircled us - shock, a little bit of fear, joy, excitement, and most of all love. 

At first, we were going to wait to tell Jackson. I wasn't sure that he would understand and I didn't want the never ending question of "Is the baby coming yet?". Wayne wanted to go ahead and tell him though. At first, he told us he didn't want a brother or sister, but after a little more talking about it and letting him know that he was going to be a special big brother that could share his toys with the baby, he got more excited. Now, he tells us we are having a boy AND a girl. They say the sibling's instinct is correct, but I am praying we just have one! :) Only God knows His plan though. He knows what we can handle.

Our due date is October 7th. Before we found out our due date, I knew of two people that had October birthdays... now? They come out of the woodwork. All you have to do is tell some one when a baby is due and all of a sudden, the due date is close to or on their birthday and the baby has to come on that day! Whew. Maybe someone will be special enough to share a birthday with our new little one.

Just continue to keep us in your prayers as the next few weeks are the most important in the life of "Butterbean". Pray that he/she will grow and develop strong and healthy and that all of his/her very important organs (i.e. the brain and the heart) will grow as they should. This week, the chambers of the heart are forming and Butterbean is only the size of a sesame seed. Oh, such a miracle!

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