Monday, November 12, 2012

Giving Thanks

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!” Psalm 107:1

This is the memory verse that Jackson has to learn for the month of November. As I sit here thinking of the words of the verse, several thoughts of thanks and being truly blessed come to mind.

Each day of November, I have started noting on Facebook one thing that I am thankful for. Reading back though them, even though it has only been 11 days, has really shed some light on how great God is and how much he loves me to bless me so much. I have a wonderful family, a lovely home, a good job, and a pantry full of food. I also have a loving Savior, a wonderful church family, and great friends. What more could a girl want?

Oh, there lies the question that could get us all into trouble. I often have to remind myself that in all things, give thanks. I also have to practice contentment sometimes. The Lord will provide everything I need. Sometimes I think some of my wants are needs, but God and I may not see eye to eye on these things that I, uh, “need”. He knows what is good for me at every second of every day of every week of every year of my life. I just have to remember to trust that He knows what is best and praise him either way.

I am not worthy of anything He provides me or blesses me with. The absolute least I could do is thank Him and provide adoration and praise to Him for all those things that he provides.

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