Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

As I take time to celebrate our freedom and honor those who serve so that I can remain free, I am really excited that I have a three day weekend. Please know that I am not deminishing the importance of what those men and women have been through and are going through, but I am just excited. I like having the extra day off to spend with family. Especially when the hubs worked all weekend and we get to share at least one day off together.

We started our weekend off Friday night with a ride in Papa's jeep. Jackson was excited to take his first ride. The top wasn't fully down, but all of the windows were down. I think Papa is just a little nervous about having the top completely down while Jackson is still in a car seat.

We rode to Michaels Arts and Crafts and then had dinner at Chick-fil-A. It was a nice evening spent with Nana and Papa and Jackson always enjoys their company! Mommy does too! After getting in bed AFTER 10pm Friday night, Jackson arose early Saturday morning, as usual. I don't understand his sleeping methods. If you go to bed late, you are supposed to get up late, but not Jackson. Eight o'clock EVERY Saturday is his wake up time. No matter what time he goes down on Friday night.

So, I got up and got him some cereal and started the movie Nemo while I worked on a Thomas the Train cake. Had to deliver it by 1pm so I needed to get on the ball. I had baked it and did the base white icing the night before but had to do all the hard stuff Saturday morning. And, I will have you know that I finished right at 12 noon... just in time for me to hop in the shower and get ready to deliver it! Whew. Kinda cutting it close... but I did fine. The lady that I made it for was very pleased and I already have another order for one to do in August!

After I delivered the cake, Jackson and I had lunch at Wendys and he flirted with the girl at the next table. I didn't realize until she left that I actually went to high school with her. Its aggrivating to know that you know somebody but can't place where you know them from. I am not sure that she recognized me either because she didn't say anything. Oh, well. After lunch... it was nap time. Since Wayne is working the night shift this weekend, I rested with him while Jackson napped. We all got in a little snooze.

After Wayne left for work, we met mom for dinner and went to the mall for just a quick walk through. Window shopping. Then I headed to Wal-Mart for some dish detergent. Of course while we were there, I was suckered into buying more Hot Wheels cars to keep Jackson from screaming through the store because he didn't want to ride in the cart. I bought him a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse video too. When we got home it was bath time and then we watched a portion of the movie. I thought he would fall asleep watching the moving since it was after 10, but he had me fooled! As soon as I laid him in the bed though, he was out like a light.

Today was church day and I spent the afternoon with a friend. We went and got shaved ice snow cones for our boys and went to our local lake/pond to eat them so the boys wouldn't get red juice all over my friend's  van. All in all, it has been a wonderful weekend. Tomorrow will be a day spent with Wayne and an evening at my brother's. He is planning a huge cookout for his and his wife's families. Bring on the hotdogs and hamburgers!!

Be safe this holiday weekend!!

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