There is something very special about the man that I married. I haven't given him lots of love on my blog in a while, so there is no better day than today. Please don't be mis-understood. Just because I don't give him love on my blog, doesn't mean I am not showing love in life!! Oh, I am sorry, was that TMI?!?! :)
My mom's only wish for me when I was choosing a mate was to choose a man that made me laugh. Boy, did I grant that wish for her. Now, there aren't many people who can't make me laugh cause from what I hear, I am just a "smiley" person. However, Wayne just makes me laugh at all the right times and sometimes even the wrong times. The worst is when I am angry at him and he finds every way he can to make me smile and/or laugh ... when I just want to be mad...
Over the past six or seven months, I have seen him change so much for the better. He has become so passionate about being the best father he can be. It's kind of amazing what a little one will do in someone's life. He has really cleaned up areas in his life that needed some maintenance and it has flowed over to being a better husband. Not that he wasn't a good husband before, but all of us need some "updating" sometimes. He kinda makes me look bad! (Okay, Sweetie, you can quit mumbling under your breath now!)
He is just an awesome husband and father. Marriage is no easy thing -- add a child to the picture and it just gets harder. I think any one who is married and with or without children would tell you that. We have had our ups and downs, but all in all it has been a wild but great 6 and 1/2 years of marriage. I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Oh, and just for a word of advice... Don't ever ask him to smile for a picture! You will get the fakest smile ever... as shown below:
The best thing to do is catch him off guard when he makes himself laugh. You will get the most priceless expression ever! I love this man!!

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