Friday, February 25, 2011

You really wanna know the truth?

The truth is...

1) I really want my home internet back. Really bad.
2) I think I want to pay off our bills more than I really want my internet back. (some days)
3) I am starting to get scared of this job God gave me called parenting. Am I really doing everything right? If so, why does Lil Man cry EVERY SINGLE TIME I change his diaper, or give him a bath, or put different clothes on. We do the SAME thing every day. EVERY DAY, JACKSON! Yet you still try to avoid it and cry as hard as you can.
4) I wasn't truthful in all of truth #3. See #5.
5) Jackson doesn't get a bath everyday -- especially since it has been cooler. I hate that he cries when I start to wash him. I cannot remember the last time we had bathtime and we laughed the whole way through. :/
6) You know you have chicken too much when your husband asks "What's for dinner?" and you get "again?" with a huge sigh when your answer is yes.
7) I absolutely hate to clean. Period.
8) It is definitely awesome to have continued peace about a decision you have made in life. Wayne and I recently moved our membership to another church and I am continuously seeing the fruits from that move.
9) My husband is an awesome man.
10) I wish that I would follow through on a lot of things that I set up in my mind like losing weight and becoming a better me, mom, wife, daughter, and sister. Why can't weight come off as easy as it comes on?
11) I really don't sleep as good when we are away from home and my big 'ole doggie isn't in the bed, sharing my pillow with me.

I think that is all for now. Falling asleep anyway. I hope this helps you see more of ME! Goodnight.

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