All of that being said, I have a couple of loyal customers that seem to always come back for more. Take for instance, Dana, a co-worker of mine. I have made 7 cakes for her now (including the two you are about to see). So, she must like something about my cakes!!
Anyway, her son will be 3 Monday so she asked me... about a month ago... to make his cake. She ordered the invitations, plates, and all the goodies for his airplane themed party and made sure I got one of the plates so that I could use it as a template. I am soo glad that she reminded me yesterday morning about bringing the finished products in today because at that moment, they had slipped my mind! I mean she did ask me to do them a month ago! ;) I posted the finished products on my Facebook page this evening thinking that she wouldn't see them because I forgot that she just learned how to use Facebook on her blackberry that she has had for a really long time now. However, I am so glad that she did because this is the comment I received:
"Best cake so far! It is absolutely perfect!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! :) oh you have made my day! YaY!!!!!!!!!!!!"
And that, my friends, is why I do this:

The simple pleasures in life. As I've already told you, this is absolutly beautiful. You are so much better than I ever was and I thought I as pretty good.