Sunday, January 23, 2011


So, I really kinda felt bad about posting such a deep post last week. I really have had some time to soak it in and have some prayer over it. You know, our God is an amazing God and in a lot of ways I was reminded of that today at church.

In Sunday School, the topic was sacrificial giving and we had a lot of conversation around what people today consider sacrificial giving. The one thing that kept popping in my head was the giving of my time for others and/or in service of Christ. We also went over the scripture that tells of the poor woman giving all that she had and how God blessed her.

We began having conversation around considering others needs over our wants. The teacher also mentioned that we do have to understand that because our flesh may really want something, it doesn't mean that it is what we need. A question was presented from the teacher..."What are you praying for?" "Are you praying for a specific desire or are you praying for God's will in your life?" God is our father and he really does know what is best for our lives. He sees the whole picture just as our earthly parents tend to know the difference in our needs and wants.

I find myself, all too often, praying for my own desires. I need to understand that my desires may not necessarily be what's best for me and my family. I need to become more humble and really consider the whole picture in some areas of my life. Again, God really does know what is best for me. I just need to take the time to listen to what he has to say.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

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