Friday, September 17, 2010


Wow. I thought I was doing a little better about the blogging thing, but time really flies by and before you know it, I am a month and some change over due! As I sit here and ponder things, I feel like so much has happened in the past month but when I really look at my calendar, I find that is not the case. Just normal day-to-day happenings, that’s all.

I will say that our baby is turning into a little boy too quickly! Everyone told me, but things like that seem so surreal until it actually happens – until you actually live it yourself. All three of us have found that walking definitely turns into quite a bit of independence! We are learning so much more about Jackson’s personality and his temperament. He is a curious little fella too. It is so fun just to sit back and watch him sometimes.

He has really gotten the hang of this walking stuff. He almost never crawls anymore and he is steadily getting faster and faster. Sometimes he just non-shalauntly walks through the house just swinging his arms like he doesn't have a care in the world. Side note: I know that I have misspelled "non-shalauntly" because can't find it. However, I wanted to use the word so that is my phonetic spelling. Back on track: I have even caught him a couple of times standing around looking at different things with his hands on his hips! Too cute!

I have got to find a way to get some video posted to the blog because I have a few things I want to share. Guess I will have to pay a visit to Mom's so that I can borrow her wireless internet for a bit.

Speaking of that… the whole no cable/no internet thing is going good so far. We really haven't missed it too, too bad. However, the fall seasons of some of our shows are starting this month so we will just have to live without them. There have been just a few times where Wayne really wished that we had the internet. Looking at things on the internet with his little Blackberry tends to get a bit frustrating.

I did take Jackson to an ENT doctor at the end of August. He had another ear infection. I was not happy with the doctor I saw so I ended up taking him again to a different doctor and office this week. The actually checked his hearing at the second doctor's office (I really thought they should have done that the first time… hence one of the reasons why I was upset the first go-round). The second go-round, I was told that he had really good hearing and he didn't have any more fluid on his ears. However, we have to keep watch of him and if he has another ear infection within 6 to 8 weeks, we will have to go back and consult with the doctor about ear tubes.

We did have one accomplishment this month. No more pacifier! The first ENT doctor told me that the pacifier was the root of all of his ear infections and she wanted me to get rid of it. I am not sure if this was the right way to do it, but I pulled it from him "cold-turkey". He never asked for it. The first night, he cried for about and hour but once I held him for a few seconds, he went right to sleep. After that, I have been able to lay him down and he has done well with getting himself to sleep. Come to find out, the 2nd ENT doctor told me that the whole paci thing was not a valid argument. That frustrated me even more, but you know… it is done with now. I am glad we did it now and not later when he was more attached to it. There are some days when I give myself a guilty conscience and tell my self that he probably really misses it… but I try to get over that quickly because he won't remember it next year.

I guess that is all the updating for now. Maybe this will suffice for a few more days… I will try and post more this weekend … especially the video. Have a good weekend!

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