Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 1: No cable, no internet...

Not so bad... for me.

Explanation: I guess I will just make a long story short. Wayne and I have made some silly decisions about credit since we have been together for our 10 and a half years. During this time frame, we have racked up quite a bit of debt, did a debt consolidation loan to pay it all off and racked up some more. We have gotten to the point now where we are on fire to get all this debt paid off because we really want a new (and bigger) home. So, in the spirit of things, we have decided to cut off our home phone, internet and cable. We have lived without the internet and cable before and now, cell phones are so much easier, we have just decided to cut those unnecessary expenses.

However, without internet and cable, we will definitely be able to do more things in the evening such as getting out to take walks together. So, I don’t see this as being a totally bad thing! It will be harder to get friend updates without Facebook at my fingertips, and it will be harder to get blogs posted – especially with pictures, but I will try and manage.

Now, please let me speak for my self about this transition being easy on day one. Because, Wayne has been home most of the day, I have been at work. I have had things to occupy my time. His Playstation will definitely have more use in the near future. Hopefully he won’t complain too much! After all, we have EVERY intention of turning the cable and internet back on after all of this is over with.

Our time table is to have all of our unsecured debt paid by December 2011. I know this is possible; we just have to stick to it. We have done well for the 1st two weeks. It is much easier knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel. However, I will give you an update in about 2 months to let you know if we have pulled our hair (hmm… my hair) out!

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