In some ways, I don't want to just post pictures for you guys as that is not the purpose of a blog... even though it does capture our lives at that moment of the picture taking, that is where I felt like this blog was going. I want to be able to leave you with something to read, sometimes.
Maybe i am just slight bit frustrated that a photography class I signed up for fell through. I really want to learn how to use my camera the right way... the way it was meant to be used. I totally dislike the "full auto" feature. Yes, it usually takes the best pictures, however, it won't let me not use my flash when I don't want to use my flash. Yes, it may be kind of dark in the room, but I don't want my subject to be bright white because of a camera flash.
But on to brighter thoughts...
Last time you heard from me, Jackson got a hair cut. We have had more compliments on this little fella and his new do! Oh, and he got it just in time for this great new weather we have been having. Supposed to stay in the 80s this week. I am so glad we got an Easter outfit that was with shorts (a shout out thanks to Ben and Jessica). Mom bought him some sandals yesterday and I am really in love with those.
I was able to have a three day weekend with Jackson this weekend. His day care closed Friday, so I took off. Too bad Wayne has to work all weekend. Friday I spent most of the morning with Mom and we went Easter dress shopping for me. :) Love my new dress. Friday afternoon, Jackson took a 3 hour nap and I think mine was about 2 hours. :) We sat outside afterwards and ate some fruit and enjoyed the sunshine.
Today was a morning filled with an Easter egg hunt, then lunch with Wayne and napping. Jackson is still asleep now at 4:15. He will be well rested for the evening. Now, its time to start thinking about our dinner plans. Would love to cook out again (cheeseburgers on the grill were the best last night).
I will leave you with another picture... I took this Friday while Jackson and Bo were playing.

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