Sunday, April 4, 2010

The date is only getting closer...

Ten pounds per month.

Is that really an over stated goal? I think it is attainable. (I really hope that is the word that fits there... checked out and it seems to be.) Being that the wedding is in early December, that basically leaves me eight months. Dropping around 80 pounds would be awesome. Even 60-70 pounds would be great.

My first hurdle: getting out to walk/run/exercise. I will work hard on this in the coming week. Bo would really enjoy an evening in the neighborhood.

Alright followers (even the silent/anonymous ones)... please keep me accountable. I will keep you posted. I promise!


  1. I will keep you accountable if you keep me accountable! I can't seem to get rid of this baby weight (of course I would love more than that to come off!)

  2. Go Jennifer! You can do it! You have done it before! I need to find some before and after pics from your Weight Watcher days in college. I am actually doing Biggest Loser at school/work. I know it is difficult to count calories and find time to exercise.
