One of these days, Mommy is really going to learn not to make me mad and leave me alone!
Hello world, it's Jackson again. Hope your Wednesday was wonderful. I guess mine was okay. I think I am starting to feel really bad again. My mouth is just killing me -- right above those 2 little white things shining when I smile. From what Mommy is telling me, I guess I am getting some more of those nice pearly whites. However, I just wish I could breathe through my nose again. Will that day ever come?
Okay, I get it... enough of the babbling. Here's the scoop. I got up this morning in a half-way decent mood, I guess. Until Mommy had to lay me down to change my diaper again. I am finding that I am really starting to hate that. I like to look around, crawl around -- not lay on my back. But, I guess sometimes you just have to do things you don't want to. I got all cleaned up and she changed my clothes. When we were all finished, I decided to go check out all my books on my shelf and play with my foamy starfish that belongs in the bathtub, I think. Mommy lets me bring them in my room so I won't cry so much after a bath. Well, next thing I know, she is gone. I didn't know where she went so I set out to find her. I began my journey by exiting my room. No sign of her. Hmm. Down the hallway I go. La de da de da. I come upon the couches and that big thing that holds all of Daddy and Mommy's books. Still, no sign of her. However, Bobo definately made sure I saw him. I received several kisses from him. Sometimes I just wish he would understand that one kiss is definately enough!
I began to continue my search. I turned into the room where she always feeds me and fixes my bottle. The floor is really hard and cold in there. I think I may have heard her call it the kitchen before? Not sure. She is nowhere to be seen though. However, I did see something... Man, I had been waiting to get my hands it! No one was around, I guessed it was the right moment. In this little black dish on the floor were some round circle things that I could play with. Oooh... fun! I couldn't get just one from the top - I had to tip that dish over and choose just the perfect one to play with. Well, you know what happens to things that get into my hands... it moves from my hands to my mouth. So, in goes one of these little balls and another and almost another, until...
Oh, Mom... there you are! Why is your finger in my mouth? Why are you taking those balls out? I was just playing -- well, really, I was just looking for you. Then I heard her say... "those are for Bobo to eat -- not you!" She kind of made some funny noises like she might be getting sick. Personally, I didn't think they tasted all that bad. Hmm...
I guess I am not allowed to eat the same things Bobo eats. Maybe I will keep this in mind the next time I set out and search for something new. :)
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