Friday, November 13, 2009

9 months

Today, Jackson had his 9 month well-check. He was 9 months old about 2 weeks ago, but I wanted a Friday appointment. :) Here are his stats:

weight: 20.8lbs
height: 30 inches
head circumfrence: 18 inches

He is slowing down a little bit on his height... at 6 months he was in the 90th percentile and now he is around the 75th percentile. Everything else is about the same. But, we are still doing good. We received the okay to start dairy stuff (I have already started some yougurt a few times). The doctor also said we could start milk at 10 months. Oh, we are sooo close to getting rid of those formula costs! Yes, mommy and daddy are very excited about that!

Oh, crawling has become second nature for the little man. He follows me all around the house. He really likes to crawl to find Bo's water and food bowls too. Especially when I forget to take them off the floor! He is pulling up some as well. We will probably lower his crib matress this weekend, just to make sure we don't have any accidents.

I think that is most of the updates. I will leave you with a couple recent pictures!

assuming the crawling position and playin' in his high chair

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