Monday, November 30, 2009

10 months

Over this past weekend, we had a small celebration. Jackson was 10 months old Friday. There is not a lot of new to report. Jackson is trying to pull up on furniture. He gets to his knees and then brings one foot up (usually his right foot) and before he will pull himself up, he usually falls on his bum. I think he is close to getting it, we just have to work on it just a little longer.

Also, we started adding 2% milk into his formula. Right now he is doing 2 ounces of milk to 4 ounces of formula. I will probably do that for the rest of the week and then do half and half. I can't get him to drink from the sippy cup unless it is juice. I guess we just have to work on one thing at a time.

He is really doing very well with eating table food though. For Thanksgiving he had some stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, corn pudding, small peices of turkey and gravy. He did so well with the food. I still have to watch him very closely though. I don't want him to choke on anything, as any mother wouldn't. I want him to eat table food just because it will be easier for us, but I don't want to rush anything either.

He is also definitely forming more of a personality. One of his big things now is throwing his body forward when he doesn't get what he wants. Yes, a little temper tantrum. Usually I can just talk to him and he will stop. But, I know this will get harder to stop as he gets older. Here we go...

That's all for now!

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