I always enjoy the weekends that Wayne has off because we definitely are able to get in some wonderful family time! It is even better after he is coming off of his night shift rotation because we hardly ever see him, but in passing, when he works nights. Today just happened to be one of those days. We just spent the day together, enjoying each other's company with Jackson included.
I got up around 7:30 to pick up my mess in the kitchen from baking a cake. I also needed to finish one up before it had to be delivered. Jackson watched some Tom and Jerry cartoons on DVD while I worked. Wayne knew we had to take Jackson to get his hair cut around 10:30 so he got up around 9. I had already finished my cake and the cleaning up. The cake recipeient came to pick it up and all of us got ready to head out.
Our missions today were to: Jackson's hair cut, Lowe's to get some nails to fix our fence that blew over some in the hurricane last weekend, and check on the new house. We did the whole hair cut thing and then headed to Lowe's While we were there, we got Jackson his own tool kit so that he could help Daddy with all the fixin' of the fence. He was so excited. We also wanted him to hold our hand in the store because there were a lot of people there and he is really begining to wander... but, in his resistance to hold hands he said "I want to walk like a big boy!" So, I had to remind him that he could walk like a big boy, but he had to stay with Mommy and Daddy. He had to be reminded a few more times before we left too. He is definitely showing some desire for independence...
After Lowe's, we had lunch and then went to the new house to find this...
Well, I have to say that when we arrived just after lunch, they only had the two front walls up (with the window holes in them). This picture was taken when we went back later in the afternoon (after the workers had left) to see how far they had gotten. They are definitely rollin' now! They had to wait a few days to start again because of all the moisture from the hurricane, but hopefully we will be relatively dry for a little while so they can get a large portion of the framing done.

After the visit to the lot right after lunch, we went back home and started working on fixing the fence. We really had some minor damage, but it did need to be fixed. Jackson was so excited because he could use his new tools with Daddy. The kit came with a hammer, two screw drivers, goggles, and a tape measure. Wayne put the tape measure on Jackson's shorts and Jackson hammered on any and everything he could. :) Wayne also reminded him that this tool kit was for outside and he could play with his Handy Manny tools inside. The new tools could definitely do some damage inside by a two year old!
Wayne started off by trimming down a piece of wood with his hand saw. Jackson didn't like that too much. I guess it made too much noise. He did get better with it after Wayne used it a couple more times. I guess he had to get used to the sounds it made. He is such a skiddish kid! He does take after me on that!
Wayne then started to pull the peice section of fence that blew over back into it's place. Jackson stood with him and watched every move he made. Not only did he watch, he asked questions. And more questions, and even more questions. Wayne asked me several times if I could become the favorite parent again! :) I just laughed at him.
I really enjoyed just watching Jackson today. There were a couple of times that he asked me to hold his hammer and I got a little aggrivated because I was trying to help Wayne and I just didn't have any hands to hold it and he got mad a me because I told him no. Yes, the typical two year old, I guess.

And after a long afternoon in the heat and playing around at the new house, Jackson was ready for something cold. So, we went and got shaved ice and he had to have a blue one! I told him after he was done that he looked like a smurf. He just said "huh?". He has seen the movie but I guess he doesn't know what they are. Oh, well, I would say this was a good day spent. I sure do love my boys!