Thursday, March 10, 2011

A day late and a dollar short...

Okay, okay, so, maybe I am not a dollar short (right now), but I am definitely a day late.

I have decided to partake in what some may believe in to be called Lent. This 40 day venture acutally began yesterday on Ash Wednesday and will go through Easter -- minus each Sunday. However, I have decided to include the Sundays because not including them will definitely get me off track.

What are you removing from your life for these 40 days, you ask? I have decided to give up fried foods... including potato chips, Bojangles' chicken supremes, fried chicken in general, and... you said it... french fries! This will be a challenge for me as I really do enjoy eating each one of these items! However, I pray that as I turn down these items when offered to me, it will be a constant reminder of what Jesus Christ did for me. He endured so much suffering for me and all of us by being tried, beaten, hated, and eventually crucified. For me. For us. I believe this is one of the small things I can do to give back to Him.

It is my prayer that through these next few weeks, I will give Him an extra 'thank you' for what He did for me as I choose not to eat fried foods.

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for you. I know how you love those french fries. You should not be tempted and don't get them for Jackson either. Fast food usually has a fruit substitute.
