I guess I would kind of say that I am a hobbyist (sp?) when it comes to making cakes. For the most part, I enjoy doing them, but I don't see myself ever quitting my job, opening a shop, and baking for the rest of my life. However, there are people out there that love my cakes so, I often take a random Friday night (or another night) and spend it in my kitchen -- to prepare a wonderful masterpiece. Well, at least I'd like to think they are masterpieces. :)
I am really excited about the next month. It all begins with my father-in-law's 60th birthday cake, to be prepared for this Saturday. Next weekend is another set of birthday cakes for a young lady turning 86. She has 5 children and they all have birthdays in March so they are planning a big shindig and I get to make the cakes. For April, three more birthday cakes to prepare for. I am extra excited about one of them because it is going to be a real challenge for me. However, I am ready to take that on... I love a challenge. Just for a bit of back-ground information: About a month ago, one of my co-workers asked me to make his son's second birthday cake. Ever heard of Yo Gabba Gabba? If you haven't, click here to find a wealth of information about the show! Apparently, my co-worker's son (Austin) loves this show and he wants a Yo Gabba Gabba birthday party. I had been searching the internet for a good picture of the whole clan and couldn't really find anything that would be clear enough to put on a cake. So, I created my own... Here is the proposed look of the cake...

I will be sure to take lots of pictures of this one and post for you to see. You will just have to wait until the end of April.
Can't wait. Did you include the 2 cakes I need for you to make for me in March and April in that count?