Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Off to a good start!

Well, I think it has been good for me to know that I have someone to be accountable to. I have had several comments about my last posting about losing weight and it has helped me get off on the right foot (and left). Monday night I walked with my dad and then I took Bo for a little walk later in the evening. Last night, I was tempted to stay in because I really wanted to watch the Biggest Loser but I knew that I still needed to get out. I needed to get a breath of fresh air any way. Oh, and I am glad I did.

I have also committed to myself and my step-mom that I would not eat anything after 7:15pm. Now, this can be a challenge for me as I usually do not get home until around 5:30. Then on top of getting dinner ready, it definitely can be tough. However, it has made me really think about what I do eat before bed time. Last night, Wayne grilled some BBQ pork chops and we had potatoes and corn on the cob. I think I finished just before 7:30. When I got back from walking, it was very hard for me to not snack on something, but I didn’t! I am so proud.

I know that I have to take this one day at a time but hopefully it will only get easier as I get myself into a routine.

I know I can… I know I can… I know I can…

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