Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
New Look
Well, this has taken me all night to complete. I am not sure why I am not tired. I definately will be tomorrow (well, this) afternoon. But, I got started updating the blog stuff and then I couldn't stop. I found some really cool digital scrapbook paper at Shabby Princess and wanted to continue working on this until I got it done. I hope you enjoy. I will probably keep this one up for a while. I worked too hard on it just to change it next month!
One week until Jackson's birthday!
One week until Jackson's birthday!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Two for the price of one...
Nana came over Saturday and brought a bath toy that she has been telling us about for a while. She was so excited to give Jackson a bath so that he could play with it. Not sure if any of you have seen it at stores, but her is a picture of it.
It pulls water from the tub and sprays it out like a fountain. The face's nose lights up and blinks. The star also spins around as it sprays. Fun to watch. We didn't realize how far the water would shoot out, but you can definately get a good soaking if your not careful. Here are some pics from Jackson's bath. As you can see, Jackson wasn't the only one to enjoy this nice little toy...

brotherly love,
fun times,
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Jackson has learned a new trick! Finally! Wayne went in to get him this morning from his crib and he was standing up holding on for dear life. As he was playing this morning, he stood up against the couch and his Leap Frog table. He also pushed his table and walked a few steps behind it! He is definately just growing up on us. Here are a few pics I captured this morning.
Two more weeks...
Can you believe it? Jackson will be ONE in 2 weeks! We definately can't believe it. Here is the invite that I created. Of course, for web use, I have blurred our phone number.

Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
life changes after baby
I always knew that my life would change after having a child. It would no longer be about Wayne, myself, and Bobo... I was prepared for that. I knew that it was going to take 30 extra mintues to get out of the house, 3 extra peices of luggage, 6 extra car trunks in my car and so on... but did I ever really realize the emotions?
I have really had one of those days where I am not really having a so-called "pitty party day" but I am really emotional. Wayne keeps asking me to get out of my funk and I have just plainly stated, "if I could just cry, I would be better". Nothing really would strike the tears that I needed though. Until this afternoon when a couple of certain instances just combined on top of each other and it all just hit me.
This is how it all started. We went to church this morning and boy am I glad I did. I really gotta preachin' too. Pastor preached on being a milli-second too late in making a decision about your eternity. I don't want to go into much detail about that part of the sermon because that would be taking this blog session way off track. However, in part of his sermon, he reference abortion. This is a very soft subject for me, always has been and always will be -- even more so now that I have my own child. This is a soft subject because I have never understood why someone -- especially a baby's mother -- would have the heart to murder an/their unborn child. Yes, I said it: MURDER! I have always referred to abortion as murder and always will. Well, Pastor began referencing a story he read. He told of a woman who used to work as an ultrasound tech at an abortion clinic. Apparently, they monitor the baby when the procedure is done. She was in the midst of an abortion procedure one day and she watched a baby move as she held the monitor on the mother's belly. Then she watched the probe (murder weapon) insert the uterus. She then watched the baby try to move away from the probe. She then looked up to see a group of protestors outside and realized that she was meant to be out there. Pastor proceeded to say that the woman didn't work for the clinic much longer.
Today, I just sat and tears filled my eyes as he told that story. I relived the moment I saw Jackson in my belly during our ultrasounds and how much joy I had at that moment. Again, I just don't how could anyone hurt an innocent child like that. So, of course, at that moment I could just cry out like I really wanted too, so I held it in and the image remained plastered in my brain for the rest of the afternoon.
Then, as Jackson was napping, Wayne and I were watching a TV show on TLC today -- "Women of Broward County". Yes, you guessed it, it is a cop show and is tells the lives of the women officers that work for Broward County. I do find the show interesting sometimes, much better than COPS. Today just happened to be an episode that involved a kidnapped child. The missing boy was 3 years old and had several brain surgeries and was very prone to seizures. The mother had sole custody of the child and the father had his new fiance "kidnap" the child and take him on an airplane to California. The mother advised the officers that he shouldn't fly at all because of his conditions. They were able to get the boy before they got on the plane. The boy only had a shirt and a diaper on. When the boy and the mother were re-united, I teared up again. I just couldn't imagine the mental state I would be in if I ever lost Jackson in a kidnapping or something of the sorts.
Then a commericial for either a movie or a documentary show came on about hurt children. I think they were disabled, not hurt by another person. And, I had had it. The tears came and when Wayne asked what was wrong, my answer this time was "Why does everything have to be about a hurting/suffering child today?" I did cry and Wayne was the good husband in consoling me. He knew himself, that I just needed to get it out. When I did, I slept for about an hour and then I was fine. Jackson woke from his nap and we played, laughed, and I sang some while he danced.
I guess the moral of this is to NEVER take your life lightly. I have really started to see things in a different light now. Decisions are made differently. Thoughts come through my mind differently. Also, I have really pondered on this lately... Life is too short. Spend every moment you can with and loving your family and friends. Make sure your plans for eternity are set. Don't wait for tomorrow, because you might be a half a second too late.
I have really had one of those days where I am not really having a so-called "pitty party day" but I am really emotional. Wayne keeps asking me to get out of my funk and I have just plainly stated, "if I could just cry, I would be better". Nothing really would strike the tears that I needed though. Until this afternoon when a couple of certain instances just combined on top of each other and it all just hit me.
This is how it all started. We went to church this morning and boy am I glad I did. I really gotta preachin' too. Pastor preached on being a milli-second too late in making a decision about your eternity. I don't want to go into much detail about that part of the sermon because that would be taking this blog session way off track. However, in part of his sermon, he reference abortion. This is a very soft subject for me, always has been and always will be -- even more so now that I have my own child. This is a soft subject because I have never understood why someone -- especially a baby's mother -- would have the heart to murder an/their unborn child. Yes, I said it: MURDER! I have always referred to abortion as murder and always will. Well, Pastor began referencing a story he read. He told of a woman who used to work as an ultrasound tech at an abortion clinic. Apparently, they monitor the baby when the procedure is done. She was in the midst of an abortion procedure one day and she watched a baby move as she held the monitor on the mother's belly. Then she watched the probe (murder weapon) insert the uterus. She then watched the baby try to move away from the probe. She then looked up to see a group of protestors outside and realized that she was meant to be out there. Pastor proceeded to say that the woman didn't work for the clinic much longer.
Today, I just sat and tears filled my eyes as he told that story. I relived the moment I saw Jackson in my belly during our ultrasounds and how much joy I had at that moment. Again, I just don't how could anyone hurt an innocent child like that. So, of course, at that moment I could just cry out like I really wanted too, so I held it in and the image remained plastered in my brain for the rest of the afternoon.
Then, as Jackson was napping, Wayne and I were watching a TV show on TLC today -- "Women of Broward County". Yes, you guessed it, it is a cop show and is tells the lives of the women officers that work for Broward County. I do find the show interesting sometimes, much better than COPS. Today just happened to be an episode that involved a kidnapped child. The missing boy was 3 years old and had several brain surgeries and was very prone to seizures. The mother had sole custody of the child and the father had his new fiance "kidnap" the child and take him on an airplane to California. The mother advised the officers that he shouldn't fly at all because of his conditions. They were able to get the boy before they got on the plane. The boy only had a shirt and a diaper on. When the boy and the mother were re-united, I teared up again. I just couldn't imagine the mental state I would be in if I ever lost Jackson in a kidnapping or something of the sorts.
Then a commericial for either a movie or a documentary show came on about hurt children. I think they were disabled, not hurt by another person. And, I had had it. The tears came and when Wayne asked what was wrong, my answer this time was "Why does everything have to be about a hurting/suffering child today?" I did cry and Wayne was the good husband in consoling me. He knew himself, that I just needed to get it out. When I did, I slept for about an hour and then I was fine. Jackson woke from his nap and we played, laughed, and I sang some while he danced.
I guess the moral of this is to NEVER take your life lightly. I have really started to see things in a different light now. Decisions are made differently. Thoughts come through my mind differently. Also, I have really pondered on this lately... Life is too short. Spend every moment you can with and loving your family and friends. Make sure your plans for eternity are set. Don't wait for tomorrow, because you might be a half a second too late.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
La Dee Da...
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